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Tea Party Express Objects to Heller Appointment

The out-of-state Tea Party Express yahoos who are at least partially responsible for re-electiong Harry Reid last year by artificially boosting serial loser Sharron Angle’s campaign without even so much as consulting with local tea party groups in Nevada, now says Gov. Brian Sandoval shouldn’t appoint Rep. Dean Heller to replace disgraced Sen. John Ensign, who has resigned effective May 3rd.

Here’s their stupid release:


Grassroots group asks Governor to avoid forcing a Special Election
The Tea Party Express ( today called on Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval to appoint a distinguished Nevadan as an interim appointment to the vacant U.S. Senate seat so voters can have an unbiased final say in the elections of 2012.

Under Nevada law the Governor must appoint a successor to replace Senator John Ensign, who announced his resignation from the U.S. Senate as of May 2nd. Speculation is that Sandoval is interested in appointing Congressman Dean Heller to the vacant Senate seat.

Such an appointment would create a House vacancy at an inopportune time as the Congress is addressing the serious debt and excessive spending of the federal government. In addition, because Nevada has not had experience with Special Elections, it is an uncertain process to select a replacement to Heller.

Since historically around the country, appointed U.S. Senators have fared poorly in efforts to get re-elected in their own right, it makes more sense for the Governor to appoint a conservative Nevadan to fill out the remaining term of Senator Ensign, rather than put an appointed Senator in great jeopardy of not winning re-election in 2012.

The Tea Party Express suggests that distinguished Nevadans such as former Governor Bob List and former Treasurer Bob Seale would make outstanding interim appointments. They could serve with great distinction for the next two years, and Nevada would be continuously represented in the House and Senate without the disruption of a Special Election.

Some have suggested the law be interpreted or changed so that political party caucuses would be used to select nominees. We are opposed to any process that favors political insiders over the views and interests of the conservative voters of the state.

How about the next time we want this out-of-state group’s lousy, self-serving advice, we’ll call them. Until then…get lost and stick your “placeholder” where the sun don’t shine.


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

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